

China Cosmetics Review interviewed Ambassador of Suriname to China.


Pick Fung Ho-Chong, Ambassador of Suriname to China, at the Embassy of Suriname in China highly spoke of the bilateral economic and trade relations between the two countries and extended a warm economic and trade cooperation invitation.

作者 | 张瑞杰
拍摄剪辑 | 宫健


"The relationship between our two countries is growing stronger with mutual respect and understanding. China Cosmetics Review's initiative to help Chinese cosmetics companies go overseas is very good. We sincerely welcome Chinese cosmetics companies to invest in Suriname."


Recently, China Cosmetics Review interviewed Pick Fung Ho-Chong, Ambassador of Suriname to China, at the Embassy of Suriname in China. She highly spoke of the bilateral economic and trade relations between the two countries and extended a warm invitation.


During the interview, Ambassador Pick Fung Ho-Chong introduced the local customs of Suriname, CARICOM economic and trade policies, and the long history of exchanges with China. She also gave her own suggestions and encouragement for Chinese cosmetics to go overseas and for future investment, economic and trade exchanges with Suriname.



She is glad that China Cosmetics Review can help Chinese cosmetics companies to develop overseas, and also hopes that China Cosmetics Review can serve as a bridge and link to further promote economic and trade exchanges between the two countries.


Both Suriname and CARICOM are opening doors to investment and business opportunities

关于苏里南,张碧芬大使介绍说:“苏里南是南美洲东北部的一个国家,有多元化的人口。历史上,苏里南人由来自非洲、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、欧洲、和当地土著,是一个由许多类型人口组成的国家。这里是多语言、多元文化的国家,人称“小联合国” 。苏里南还被称为南美洲隐藏的“宝藏之地”,是因为苏里南有得天独厚的自然资源,比如黄金、铝土,还有最近发现的高质量的石油、天然气资源。”

Talking about Suriname, Ambassador Pick Fung Ho-Chong said, "Suriname is a country in the northeastern part of South America with a diverse population. Historically, Surinamese people have come from Africa, China, India, Indonesia, Europe and the indigenous people. Surinamese people are a country made up of many types of people. This is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural country, known as the "Little United Nations." Suriname is also known as the Hidden Treasure Land of South America . It has  natural resources such as gold, bauxite, and recently discovered high quality of oil, gas resources."



"Suriname is also one of the Caribbean Community countries (CARICOM), and in order to promote trade between the CARICOM countries, there are a number of trade agreements in CARICOM, one of the most famous and important is the Treaty of Chaguaramas. Both Suriname and CARICOM countries are open to investment and business opportunities.", she said.


According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, CARICOM is a regional economic cooperation organization composed of 15 Caribbean countries and regions. Officially established on August 1, 1973, it is headquartered in Georgetown, the capital of Guyana. The basic purpose of CARICOM is to develop industrial and agricultural production in the region, coordinate the foreign policies of member states and strengthen cooperation in various fields, including economy, trade, health, culture, education and communication. The member countries should open their markets to each other, remove intra-area trade barriers and realize regional economic integration. The Treaty of Chaguaramas began in 1973 and has grown since then. The agreement allows for the free movement of goods, services, people and money among the member states of the CARICOM, with unified economic and trade policies to form a single large economic area.


苏里南及整个加勒比地区 化妆品发展前景广阔
Suriname and the Caribbean region have broad development prospects for cosmetics


Speaking about cosmetics, Ambassador Pick Fung Ho-Chong said, "Suriname has a very diverse population community with different aesthetic concepts and they choose beauty products according to their own preferences. Suriname's climate is generally very humid, and people choose cosmetics and skin care products according to their different skin characteristics. From my friends and colleagues, as women, we always want to be beautiful. Surinamese women are not behind at all when it comes to cosmetics. They are aware of the latest trends and technology. A lot of women take care of their skin regularly, have products like foundation, and also look at their eyes, eyelashes and other areas of makeup based on trends."


"Everyone has different needs for cosmetics," said the ambassador. "As a woman, our face is also our wealth and we need to keep a good facial condition. My friends and colleagues consider the quality of products first when choosing cosmetics. The products must be good for the skin, and then the price factor, they'll choose a cost-effective option."



"Although cosmetics are used more by women, in Suriname you can see men's cosmetics on the store shelves more and more. Men are paying attention to their appearance," she said. "A lot of people don't just use soap like they used to. Now they also use a range of things, like toners, moisturizers, things like that. Chinese cosmetics can be found in Suriname, but in small quantities. In the past, many shopkeepers from Zhejiang and Fujian of China came to Suriname, used to using Chinese products, but they could not find them in Suriname, so they imported from China to Suriname, and also started to promote and sell them to customers. I've seen people do that. "


In order to provide more information to Chinese companies, Ambassador Pick Fung Ho-Chong further introduced to us what she learned about the sales of cosmetics in Suriname. "In Suriname, I know that cosmetics are available in stores, beauty salons, malls and e-commerce sites. Shops in Suriname are very personal and we have enough space for everyone to set up shop. There are not many big shopping malls. Meanwhile, salons in Suriname have their own specific brands, including skin care, hair care and other products. There are also many brands that are not available in Suriname, and we shop online, like Taobao, Amazon, etc. The Internet is also a very useful sales channel and it is important for sellers to promote online."


Suriname welcomes Chinese cosmetics companies to set up factories in Suriname


Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 47 years ago, China and Suriname have always respected, trusted and supported each other for common development, the People's Daily reported. In recent years, bilateral relations have entered a fast lane. Under the leadership of two countries, the two countries have established a strategic cooperative partnership, enhanced political mutual trust, expanded mutually beneficial cooperation, deepened people-to-people exchanges and closer exchanges at all levels.


Ambassador Pick Fung Ho-Chong said, "Diplomatic relations between our two countries were signed on May 28, 1976. We are one of the first countries in South America to establish diplomatic relations with China. Our two countries have a long history of exchanges. Over the years, a very strong relationship has been built up between our two countries, and what has happened has been a good thing, because our two countries have always deepened our relationship based on mutual respect and mutual understanding. I will do my best to take it to a higher level and strengthen our relationship with China, both in terms of people-to-people contacts, cultural diplomacy, strategic partnerships, which we need, "she said.


"The Suriname government firmly supports the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China, and Suriname has benefited a lot from the initiative," she said. "At the same time, as part of the Belt and Road Initiative, we also welcome Chinese enterprises to invest in Suriname. As far as I know there are no cosmetics factories in Suriname and I thought it would be a good idea to invest in one."


Finally, Ambassador Pick Fung Ho-Chong once again said, "China and Suriname have a very positive, active and constructive bilateral relationship. Our door is always open to Chinese investors. We look forward to any industry to invest in Suriname. Hopefully, China Cosmetics magazine will bring this industry to Suriname. My advice is that market research is very important and I hope that many companies from China will take the first step to enter the market."


"I also mentioned the Caribbean Community, and investing in Suriname can also further expand the CARICOM market and the Latin American market, so Suriname is a very good place to start," she said. "Our government will provide any help where needed, Suriname as a very friendly country of China, this is what we will do. Nothing is easy to do, especially when investing overseas. Understanding the local government, the way business is done, and the local people, is very important for investors. Chinese cosmetics will contribute to Suriname's economy, just as cosmetics do to women's."









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